Why is it great? Because I just booked our flight to Texas this summer! We have a while to go, but I'm sure June will come quickly. I'm already starting my list of where I want to go and what I want to eat.
*Taco Cabana
*Mom's cooking
*Torchy's Tacos
*Juan in a Million
*Round Rock Donuts
*other places that I love!
*Sissy and Uncle D's Ranch
*Sea World
*SWT aka TSU at San marcos
*yarn shops
*I will keep on adding to this list!
If you fellow Texans have any additional ideas, please comment!
Dakar Eats here
2 years ago
LUCKY DUCK!!!!!!!!! Luby's! What-a-burger! Other Places That You Love!! I hope you post while you're there so I can enjoy vicariously. :)